Enkrypt Beta Tutorial: How to Deposit & Send KDA with Enkrypt

Enkrypt Beta Tutorial: How to Deposit & Send KDA with Enkrypt
May 8, 2024
We're excited to announce our beta integration with Enkrypt, a multi-chain browser wallet by MyEtherWallet (MEW). This is a major step towards $KDA accessibility in the broader crypto ecosystem.
Enkrypt is a Web3 browser extension wallet that natively supports multiple blockchains. The wallet allows sending, receiving, swapping, and managing NFTs of various blockchains. Users can also interact with dApps across the entire crypto ecosystem. With one seed phrase you can create and manage unlimited accounts for different blockchains.
In its current beta stage, Enkrypt enables the sending and receiving of KDA and purchasing KDA through the on-ramp provider, Simplex. Looking ahead, the development roadmap includes features such as cross-chain transactions and integration with Ledger hardware wallets.
To get started with Enkrypt, we’ve worked on a tutorial that will walk you through setting up your Enkrypt browser extension, creating Kadena Accounts, and buying & sending $KDA on Kadena Mainnet & Testnet.
Before getting started, complete the following steps:
- Download the Enkrypt browser extension, available on Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera and Firefox. Visit the Enkrypt website and click Download in the top right corner to access the latest version for your browser.
- Once installed, click on the Enkrypt browser extension in your browser toolbar to open it.
- Create a new wallet, or log in if you already have an Enkrypt wallet.
On the left column of the extension are the networks available. You’ll see Kadena at the bottom of the list. Click on Kadena to start interacting with Kadena’s Mainnet network.
The Kadena section will open to the right. Here, you can view your Kadena Account address and your balance, and there are options to deposit, buy/sell, send, and swap. Note: Swap is not currently available in this version for Kadena — coming in future versions of our integration.
If you do not see Kadena on the left column in the list of default networks, click on Manage Networks at the bottom of this list, and search for Kadena in the search bar. Toggle Kadena on if it’s not already enabled.
From this Manage Networks option, you can also enable the Kadena Testnet environment by clicking on the filters and toggling Show Testnets on. If you toggle Kadena Testnet on, it will show up on your list of networks.
You can add a new Kadena account by selecting the Kadena Account dropdown and selecting Add account.
Buying & sending KDA on Mainnet
Open Enkrypt. Select Kadena as your network.
Select Buy/Sell on the Kadena Account. This will take you to the Enkrypt buy portal.
- Enter the amount of USD you would like to spend in the first field.
- Under “You will get”, KDA should be the default token. If it is not, click the dropdown to the right (defaults to ETH), click the Network dropdown, select Kadena, and then select the KDA option that appears below.
- You will be redirected to the initial form that shows you how much KDA you will get.
- Copy & enter your Kadena Account address from the Enkrypt extension under “Where should we send your crypto?”. To find your Kadena Account address, select the Copy address option near the top right of your Kadena Account in Enkrypt. Be sure to include the “k:” prefix of your address here.
- Select BUY NOW.
Your funds will appear on Chain 0 of your Kadena Account in Enkrypt.
To send KDA, select Send in your funded Kadena Account on Chain 0. Enter the Kadena Account address you would like to send KDA to and the corresponding amount, then select Send.
You will be prompted to verify the transaction. Here, you will also see the Network fee to send the transaction. If the information is correct, select Confirm and send.
After the transfer has been completed, you may check the Activity section to view your transaction.
Note: Cross-chain transfers (i.e. sending funds from Chain 0 to Chain 1) are not available in the beta version. When sending KDA on Kadena Mainnet, it will arrive at the recipient account on Chain 0. Cross-chain functionality is coming in future versions of our integration.
Funding your account on Kadena Testnet
If you are looking to fund testnet tokens to your account, make sure you are in the Kadena Testnet network (instructions to access are above in Setup).
Choose the account you want to fund.
Select Buy/Sell, which will take you to Kadena’s faucet in a new tab.
On Kadena’s faucet, there are two tabs on the left — Fund New Account and Fund Existing Account. You should be on the Fund New Account section, since the address provided in Enkrypt needs to be created and funded on Kadena.
Now, you will need to enter your Kadena Account address from Enkrypt. Open Enkrypt again, and copy your address by selecting the Copy address option near the top right, or select the Account’s QR code option and copy the address from there.
Back on the faucet website, paste your account address in the box under Public Key where it says Enter Public Key, remove the “k:” prefix, and select Add public key (the plus sign at the right-end of this box).
This will generate your account under the Account section. Next, you’ll need to select what chain you want to fund on. The default chain is Chain 0. After choosing your chain, select Create and Fund Account. Now, you’ll see the transaction being processed and your Request Key is shown below.
After a few seconds, you will see that the Transaction successfully completed, and 20 coins were funded to your address.
Return to Enkrypt. Select the chain you funded, and you will see that there is now 20 KDA. You can select Activity on the bottom right in Enkrypt to view the transaction, where it came from, and the amount. This transaction you see is from the faucet.
You can test this on various chains.
Sending funds on Testnet
Open Enkrypt. Select Kadena Testnet as your network. Use the account and chain that was funded in the last step (e.g. Chain 0), which should have 20 KDA.
If you did not add a new account yet, use the Add account feature and create another Kadena account to transfer KDA to. In the tutorial video, this is “Kadena Account 2”.
To start your transfer process, from the funded account, select Send. Click the To: address box, and select your new account (e.g. Kadena Account 2) from the dropdown list.
Enter the amount of KDA you wish to transfer (e.g. 1 KDA) and select Send (1) KDA.
You will be prompted to verify the transaction. Here, you will also see the Network fee to send the transaction. If the information is correct, select Confirm and send.
Now, you will be taken to the Activity section of the account you sent your funds from. The transaction will be pending, and then soon after it will be successful.
You can click on the transaction, which will take you to the Kadena Block Explorer, to verify that the transaction went through. Here, you will see the chain, transaction ID, gas, and so forth.
If you return to Enkrypt, you will see that the balance of the sending account will have decreased by the amount you sent (+ gas), and the receiving account will have increased by the amount you sent.
Note: Cross-chain transfers (i.e. sending funds from Chain 0 to Chain 1) are not available in the beta version. When sending KDA on Kadena Testnet, it will arrive at the recipient account on the same chain you initiated the transfer from. Cross-chain functionality is coming in future versions of our integration.